Federal Act
Art. 10
1 Physicians and veterinary surgeons who carry out their professional activities independently in accordance with the Medical Professions Act of 23 June 200655 are authorised to prescribe narcotics.56 2 Foreign physicians and veterinary surgeons entitled to practise their professions in the Swiss border areas under international agreements may use and prescribe the narcotics required for doing so; the related prescriptions must be executed by a pharmacy in the relevant border area. 3 The Federal Council shall determine the additional requirements under which a prescription for narcotics issued by a foreign physician or veterinary surgeon in Switzerland may be executed. 56 Amended by Annex No 5 of the Healthcare Occupations Act of 30 Sept. 2016, in force since 1 Feb. 2020 (AS 2020 57; BBl 2015 8715). BGE
133 I 58 () from 3. November 2006
Regeste: Art. 8 EMRK, Art. 10 Abs. 2 und Art. 13 Abs. 1 BV, Art. 9 und 10 BetmG, Art. 48 BetmV, Art. 24 und 26 HMG; Abgabe von Natrium-Pentobarbital für den begleiteten Suizid einer psychisch kranken Person. Natrium-Pentobarbital kann einem Sterbewilligen weder nach dem Betäubungsmittelrecht noch nach dem Heilmittelrecht ohne ärztliche Verschreibung abgegeben werden (E. 4). Art. 8 EMRK bzw. Art. 10 Abs. 2 und Art. 13 Abs. 1 BV verpflichten den Staat nicht dazu, dafür zu sorgen, dass Sterbehilfeorganisationen oder Suizidwillige Natrium-Pentobarbital rezeptfrei beziehen können (E. 5-6.3.6). |