Federal Act
on Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances
(Narcotics Act, NarcA)1

of 3 October 1951 (Status as of 1 August 2022)

1Title amended by No I of the FA of 24 March 1995, in force since 1 July 1996 (AS 1996 1677; BBl 1994 III 1273).

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Art. 3e Narcotics-based treatment 22

1 A li­cence is re­quired for pre­scrib­ing, dis­pens­ing and ad­min­is­ter­ing nar­cot­ics in or­der to treat per­sons de­pend­ent on nar­cot­ics. The li­cence is is­sued by the can­tons.

2 The Fed­er­al Coun­cil may lay down gen­er­al con­di­tions.

3 Heroin-based treat­ment re­quires a fed­er­al li­cence. The Fed­er­al Coun­cil shall is­sue spe­cial pro­vi­sions. It shall in par­tic­u­lar en­sure that:

heroin is only pre­scribed to per­sons de­pend­ent on nar­cot­ics who have failed to re­spond to oth­er forms of treat­ment or whose state of health pre­cludes oth­er forms of treat­ment;
heroin is only pre­scribed by spe­cial­ist phys­i­cians in ap­pro­pri­ate fa­cil­it­ies;
the con­duct of and pro­gress with heroin-based treat­ment is re­viewed peri­od­ic­ally.

22 In force since 1 Jan. 2010 (AS 2009 2623).

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