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Federal Act
on Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances
(Narcotics Act, NarcA)1

1Title amended by No I of the FA of 24 March 1995, in force since 1 July 1996 (AS 1996 1677; BBl 1994 III 1273).

Art. 4 Licence for production and trade 25

1 Busi­nesses and per­sons that cul­tiv­ate, pro­duce, pro­cess or trade in nar­cot­ics re­quire a li­cence from the Swiss Agency for Thera­peut­ic Products (Swiss­med­ic26). Art­icle 8 is re­served.27

2 The Fed­er­al Coun­cil shall reg­u­late the re­quire­ments for the grant, ex­piry or with­draw­al of the li­cence, and its form, con­tent and term of valid­ity.

25In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 20 March 2008, in force since 1 Ju­ly 2011 (AS 2009 2623, 2011 2559; BBl 2006 85738645).

26 Name in ac­cord­ance with No I of the FA of 19 March 2021, in force since 1 Aug. 2022 (AS 2022 385; BBl 2020 6069). This change has been made throughout the text.

27Amended by No I of the FA of 20 March 2008, in force since 1 Ju­ly 2011 (AS 2009 2623, 2011 2559; BBl 2006 85738645).