Ordinance of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority on the Insolvency of Banks and Securities Dealers

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 17 Surrender and reporting obligation

1The bank's debt­ors and per­sons who have taken pos­ses­sion of the bank's as­sets through a pledge or for any oth­er reas­on must re­port to the bank­ruptcy li­quid­at­or with­in the dead­line spe­cified in Art­icle 11 para­graph 2 let­ter e and re­lease the as­sets to him or her.

2Claims for which the right to off­set has been as­ser­ted must still be re­por­ted.

3Any ex­ist­ing pre-empt­ive right lapses in the event of an un­jus­ti­fi­able fail­ure to re­port or sur­render.

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