Ordinance of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority on the Insolvency of Banks and Securities Dealers

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 18 Exceptions to the obligation to surrender

1Se­cur­it­ies and oth­er fin­an­cial in­stru­ments serving as col­lat­er­al need not be sur­rendered provided the leg­al con­di­tions for the col­lat­er­al re­cip­i­ent to take re­spons­ib­il­ity for their real­isa­tion are met.

2However, these as­sets must be re­por­ted, to­geth­er with proof of the right to real­ise them, to the bank­ruptcy li­quid­at­or, who shall make a note of them in the in­vent­ory.

3The col­lat­er­al re­cip­i­ent must agree a set­tle­ment with the bank­ruptcy li­quid­at­or over the pro­ceeds from the real­isa­tion of these as­sets. Any sur­plus ac­crues to the bank­ruptcy as­sets.

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