Federal Act on Political Rights

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

Art. 43 Determining the elected members and their replacements

1On the basis of the num­ber of man­dates ob­tained, those can­did­ates from each list that have re­ceived the highest num­ber of votes shall be elec­ted.

2The can­did­ates that are not elec­ted shall act as re­place­ment can­did­ates in the or­der of the num­ber of votes that they have ob­tained.

3Where two or more can­did­ates have re­ceived the same num­ber of votes, their or­der of pre­ced­ence shall be de­cided by draw­ing lots.

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