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Federal Act
on Political Rights

of 17 December 1976 (Status as of 23 October 2022)

1 Inserted by No I of the FA of 26 Sept. 2014 (National Council elections), in force since 1 Nov. 2015 (AS 2015 543; BBl 2013 9217).

Art. 7 Advance voting

1 The can­tons shall per­mit ad­vance vot­ing on at least two of the four days im­me­di­ately pri­or to the polling day.

2 For the pur­pose of ad­vance vot­ing, can­ton­al law must provide for all or cer­tain polling sta­tions to be open for a spe­cif­ic time or that per­sons eli­gible to vote may hand over their bal­lot pa­per in a sealed en­vel­ope at a pub­lic of­fice.

3 Where can­tons provide for an ex­ten­ded form of ad­vance vot­ing, this also ap­plies in fed­er­al votes and elec­tions.

4 The can­tons shall en­act the re­quired pro­vi­sions re­lat­ing to the count­ing of all the votes cast, the pre­ser­va­tion of vot­ing secrecy and the pre­ven­tion of ab­uses.