Federal Act
Art. 76c Duty of disclosure in election and popular vote campaigns
1 Individuals, legal entities and partnerships that run a campaign related to an election to the National Council or a federal vote must disclose the funding thereof if they spend more than 50,000 francs. 2 They shall fulfil this duty by disclosing the following to the competent body:
3 Individuals, legal entities and partnerships that have run a campaign for the election of a member of the Council of States and have spent more than 50,000 francs on this campaign must disclose the final statement of income and the monetary and non-monetary donations specified in paragraph 2 letter b. 4 If two or more persons or partnerships run a joint campaign, they must jointly submit the budgeted income and the final statement of income; in the case of elections to the Council of States, only the final statement of income is required. The monetary and non-monetary donations granted to them and their expenses shall be added together. The Federal Council shall regulate the details. BGE
149 IV 57 (6B_220/2022) from 31. Oktober 2022
Regeste: Art. 322quinquies und 322sexies StGB; Vorteilsgewährung und Vorteilsannahme. Prüfung der Tatbestandsmerkmale der Straftaten gemäss Art. 322quinquies und Art. 322sexies StGB im Zusammenhang einerseits mit der vorwiegend privaten Einladung eines Staatsrats, seiner Familie und seines Stabschefs zu einer Reise nach Abu Dhabi (Vereinigte Arabische Emirate) anlässlich eines Formel 1-Rennens (E. 1-3) und andererseits mit der Finanzierung einer Umfrage durch von einem Bauunternehmer geleistete Zahlungen in der Höhe von Fr. 34'000.- auf das Postkonto des Vereins zur Unterstützung desselben Staatsrats (E. 1 und 4). |