Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 55 Participation of the Cantons in foreign policy decisions

1The Can­tons shall be con­sul­ted on for­eign policy de­cisions that af­fect their powers or their es­sen­tial in­terests.

2The Con­fed­er­a­tion shall in­form the Can­tons fully and in good time and shall con­sult with them.

3The views of the Can­tons are of par­tic­u­lar im­port­ance if their powers are af­fected. In such cases, the Can­tons shall par­ti­cip­ate in in­ter­na­tion­al ne­go­ti­ations in an ap­pro­pri­ate man­ner.

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