Art. 54 Transitional provisions
1 Data collected under existing legislation by the Toxicology Documentation Office (Art. 18 of the Toxic Substances Act of 21 March 196920), in particular that included in the list of toxic substances (Art. 4 of the Toxic Substances Act), may be included in the product register (Art. 27) and continue to be used, in so far as it is relevant to the enforcement of this Act. 2 After the commencement of this Act, substances and preparations that are packaged and labelled in accordance with existing legislation may still be placed on the domestic market by the manufacturer for one year and may be supplied to final users for two years. For these substances and preparations, the preparation and supply of safety data sheets shall be governed by existing law. 3 For substances and preparations subject to mandatory notification or authorisation that are already on the market when this Act comes into force, the Federal Council shall specify a facilitated notification or authorisation procedure. At the same time, for such cases, it shall grant an appropriate extension of the periods specified in paragraph 2. 4 Authorisation procedures for substances and preparations which are pending when this Act comes into force shall be pursued and concluded by the federal authority that is responsible under this Act in accordance with the provisions of this Act. 5 The Federal Council shall determine to what extent and for how long persons licensed to deal with toxic substances under existing law are entitled to handle dangerous substances and preparations. 20 [AS 1972 430, 1977 2249No I 541; 1982 1676Annex No 10; 1984 1122Art. 66 No 4; 1985 660No I 41; 1991 362No II 403; 1997 1155Annex No 4; 1998 3033Annex No 7] |