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on the Reduction of Risks relating to the Use of Certain Particularly Dangerous Substances, Preparations and Articles
(Chemical Risk Reduction Ordinance, ORRChem)

of 18 May 2005 (Status as of 6 October 2022)

Art. 23 Transitional provisions

1 The trans­ition­al pro­vi­sions on cer­ti­fic­ates in ac­cord­ance with Art­icles 7–12 shall be en­acted by the com­pet­ent Fed­er­al De­part­ment.

2 Ex­emp­tions gran­ted un­der the Sub­stances Or­din­ance of 9 June 198634 re­main val­id for the peri­od ori­gin­ally spe­cified.

3 Ap­plic­a­tions for ex­emp­tions which are pending when this Or­din­ance comes in­to force shall be as­sessed ac­cord­ing to this Or­din­ance.

34[AS 1986 1254; 1988 911; 1989 270, 2420; 1991 1981; 1992 1749; 1994 678; 1995 1491Art. 440 No 2, 4425An­nex 1 No II 14, 5505; 1997 697; 1998 2009, 2863An­nex 5 No 3; 1999 39, 1362, 2045An­nex 2 No 3; 2000 703No II 9, 1949Art. 22 para. 2; 2001 522An­nex No 2, 1758, 3294No II 6; 2003 940, 1345, 5421No II 2; 2004 3209, 4037No I 7. AS 2005 2695No I 1].