on the Reduction of Risks relating to the Use of Certain Particularly Dangerous Substances, Preparations and Articles
(Chemical Risk Reduction Ordinance, ORRChem)

of 18 May 2005 (Status as of 6 October 2022)

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Art. 5 Requirements for authorisation

1Au­thor­isa­tion shall be gran­ted in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 4 let­ter a or c if the planned ap­plic­a­tion is not ex­pec­ted to en­danger the en­vir­on­ment. This au­thor­isa­tion is for a lim­ited peri­od and for a spe­cif­ic geo­graph­ic­al area.19

1bis Au­thor­isa­tion gran­ted in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 4 let­ter b shall be lim­ited in time and geo­graph­ic­al scope and only gran­ted if, in the case of the planned ap­plic­a­tion:

ap­plic­a­tion from the ground is not feas­ible or ap­plic­a­tion from the air is as­so­ci­ated with ad­vant­ages for the pro­tec­tion of hu­man health or the en­vir­on­ment;
the avi­ation com­pany uses air­craft and equip­ment with state-of-the-art tech­no­logy for the pro­tec­tion of hu­man health and the en­vir­on­ment; and
there is no reas­on to fear any risk to hu­man health and the en­vir­on­ment.20

2 Au­thor­isa­tions shall only be gran­ted to per­sons who are dom­i­ciled or have a re­gistered of­fice in Switzer­land or in a mem­ber state of the European Uni­on (EU) or the European Free Trade As­so­ci­ation (EFTA).

19 Amended by No I of the O of 1 Ju­ly 2015, in force since 1 Sept. 2015 (AS 2015 2367).

20 In­ser­ted by No I of the O of 1 Ju­ly 2015, in force since 1 Sept. 2015 (AS 2015 2367).

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