on the Reduction of Risks relating to the Use of Certain Particularly Dangerous Substances, Preparations and Articles
(Chemical Risk Reduction Ordinance, ORRChem)

of 18 May 2005 (Status as of 1 December 2022)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 4 Applications requiring authorisation 16

The fol­low­ing ap­plic­a­tions re­quire an au­thor­isa­tion gran­ted by the au­thor­it­ies men­tioned be­low:


Au­thor­ity grant­ing au­thor­isa­tion

ap­plic­a­tion, on a pro­fes­sion­al or com­mer­cial basis, of products in­ten­ded to pro­tect plants against ro­dents (ro­denti­cides), if ap­plied on more than one farm or by ma­chine

can­ton­al au­thor­ity; with the agree­ment of the Fed­er­al Food Safety and Veter­in­ary Of­fice (FS­VO), the Fed­er­al Of­fice for Ag­ri­cul­ture (FO­AG) and the Fed­er­al Of­fice for the En­vir­on­ment (FOEN) in the case of re­gion­al or supra­re­gion­al ap­plic­a­tions

aer­i­al spray­ing and spread­ing of plant pro­tec­tion products, biocid­al products and fer­til­isers

Fed­er­al Of­fice of Civil Avi­ation, with the agree­ment of the Fed­er­al Of­fice of Pub­lic Health (FOPH), the FS­VO, the FO­AG, the State Sec­ret­ari­at for Eco­nom­ic Af­fairs (SECO) and the FOEN

ap­plic­a­tion of plant pro­tec­tion products and fer­til­isers in forests, un­less covered by an au­thor­isa­tion un­der let­ter a or b

can­ton­al au­thor­ity

16 Amended by No I 6 of the O of 4 Sept. 2013 (Re­or­gan­isa­tion in the field of Food Safety and Veter­in­ary Medi­cine), in force since 1 Jan. 2014 (AS 2013 3041).

17 Amended by No I of the O of 1 Ju­ly 2015, in force since 1 Sept. 2015 (AS 2015 2367).

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