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on Protection against Dangerous Substances and Preparations
(Chemicals Ordinance, ChemO)

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 5 June 2015 (Status as of 15 December 2020)

Art. 44 Reassessment of substances, preparations and objects

Man­u­fac­tur­ers must re­as­sess or fur­ther as­sess sub­stances, pre­par­a­tions and ob­jects con­tain­ing dan­ger­ous con­stitu­ents and, where ne­ces­sary, re­clas­si­fy, re­la­bel and re­pack­age them if:

they are to be sup­plied for dif­fer­ent pur­poses;
they are to be used in a dif­fer­ent way;
they are to be used in much lar­ger quant­it­ies than be­fore;
vari­ations arise in the nature and quant­ity of im­pur­it­ies, which could have ad­verse ef­fects on hu­man health or the en­vir­on­ment;
the as­sess­ment of the risks they pose to hu­man health or the en­vir­on­ment needs to be mod­i­fied in the light of prac­tic­al ex­per­i­ence, new data or new in­form­a­tion.