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on Protection against Dangerous Substances and Preparations
(Chemicals Ordinance, ChemO)

Art. 35 Form and content of the declaration

1 The de­clar­a­tion must be writ­ten in an of­fi­cial lan­guage or in Eng­lish and be sub­mit­ted elec­tron­ic­ally in the format re­quired by the No­ti­fic­a­tion Au­thor­ity. The ac­com­pa­ny­ing let­ter must be writ­ten in an of­fi­cial lan­guage.

2 The de­clar­a­tion must con­tain the fol­low­ing in­form­a­tion and doc­u­ments:

the name and ad­dress of the man­u­fac­turer;
if the man­u­fac­turer has im­por­ted the sub­stance: the name and ad­dress of the for­eign man­u­fac­turer;
es­sen­tial data re­lat­ing to the iden­tity of the sub­stance;
the in­ten­ded uses;
the amount of the sub­stance that the man­u­fac­turer ex­pects to place on the mar­ket each year in Switzer­land;
pro­posed clas­si­fic­a­tion and la­belling;
the re­search pro­gramme and a list of the people to whom the sub­stance is to be sup­plied;
in the case of dan­ger­ous sub­stances or PBT or vPvB sub­stances: a pro­posed safety data sheet.

3 The No­ti­fic­a­tion Au­thor­ity may re­quest the man­u­fac­turer or ex­clus­ive rep­res­ent­at­ive to fur­nish test re­ports that are rel­ev­ant for the as­sess­ment of the sub­stance, provided that they are avail­able and can be ob­tained with reas­on­able ef­fort.