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Federal Act
on the Protection of Designs
(Designs Act, DesA)

of 5 October 2001 (Status as of 1 July 2023)

Art. 2 Requirements for protection

1 A design is pro­tec­ted to the ex­tent that it is new and has in­di­vidu­al char­ac­ter.

2 A design is not new if an identic­al design which could be known to the circles spe­cial­ised in the rel­ev­ant sec­tor in Switzer­land has been made avail­able to the pub­lic pri­or to the fil­ing date or the pri­or­ity date.

3 A design does not have in­di­vidu­al char­ac­ter if the over­all im­pres­sion it pro­duces dif­fers only in im­ma­ter­i­al fea­tures from a design that could be known to the circles spe­cial­ised in the rel­ev­ant sec­tor in Switzer­land.