Federal Act
on the Protection of Designs
(Designs Act, DesA)

of 5 October 2001 (Status as of 1 July 2023)

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Art. 52 Transitional provisions

1Re­gistered designs are sub­ject to the new Act from the date it enters in­to force. An ap­plic­a­tion for a fourth peri­od of pro­tec­tion must be sub­mit­ted to the IPI, to­geth­er with a rep­res­ent­a­tion of the design suit­able for re­pro­duc­tion.

2 Designs already filed but not yet re­gistered at the time of entry in­to force of this Act shall be sub­ject to the pre­vi­ous law up to the time of their re­gis­tra­tion.

3Re­gistered designs that are sealed at the time of entry in­to force of this Act shall re­main sealed un­til the end of the first peri­od of pro­tec­tion.

4Art­icle 35 para­graph 4 ap­plies only to li­cence agree­ments that have been con­cluded or con­firmed after the entry in­to force of this Act.


134 III 205 (4A_288/2007) from 4. Februar 2008
Regeste: Designschutz; Nichtigkeitsklage gegen internationale Eintragungen zum Schutz einer Schmuckkollektion. Die Nichtigkeitsklage steht gegen die Eintragung von Designs offen, die mangels Neuheit oder Eigenart den gesetzlichen Schutz nicht geniessen (Art. 33 DesG; E. 3). Beurteilung der Neuheit und der Eigenart der strittigen Designs durch Vergleich mit den Modellen eines früher veröffentlichten Katalogs (Art. 2 DesG; E. 5 und 6).

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