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Federal Act on Data Protection

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

Art. 16 Responsible body and controls

1The fed­er­al body that pro­cesses or ar­ranges for the pro­cessing of per­son­al data in ful­fil­ment of its tasks is re­spons­ible for data pro­tec­tion.

2If fed­er­al bod­ies pro­cess per­son­al data to­geth­er with oth­er fed­er­al bod­ies, with can­ton­al bod­ies or with private per­sons, the Fed­er­al Coun­cil may spe­cific­ally reg­u­late the con­trol of and re­spons­ib­il­ity for data pro­tec­tion.2

1 Amended by No I of the FA of 24 March 2006, in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4983; BBl 2003 2101).
2 Amended by No I of the FA of 24 March 2006, in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4983; BBl 2003 2101).