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Federal Act on Data Protection

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

Art. 20 Blocking disclosure

1A data sub­ject that cred­ibly demon­strates a le­git­im­ate in­terest may re­quest the fed­er­al body con­cerned to block the dis­clos­ure of cer­tain per­son­al data.

2The fed­er­al body shall re­fuse to block dis­clos­ure or lift the block if:

there is a leg­al duty of dis­clos­ure; or
the ful­fil­ment of its task would oth­er­wise be pre­ju­diced.

3Any block­ing of dis­clos­ure is sub­ject to Art­icle 19 para­graph 1bis.1

1 In­ser­ted by An­nex No 4 of the Free­dom of In­form­a­tion Act of 17 Dec. 2004, in force since 1 Ju­ly 2006 (AS 2006 2319; BBl 2003 1963).