Art. 2 Personal and material scope of application
1 This Act applies to the processing of personal data of natural persons by:
2 It does not apply to:
3 The applicable procedural law regulates the processing of personal data and the data subject's rights in court proceedings and in proceedings governed by federal procedural regulations. This Act applies to first instance administrative proceedings. 4 The public registers for private legal transactions, and in particular the access to these registers and the data subject's rights, shall be regulated by the specific provisions of the applicable federal law. If the specific provisions do not contain any rules, this Act applies. BGE
147 III 486 (5A_701/2020) from 23. Juli 2021
Regeste: Art. 8a Abs. 3 lit. d SchKG; Gesuch um Nichtbekanntgabe der Betreibung an Dritte. Bezahlt der Schuldner eine Forderung, nachdem sie in Betreibung gesetzt wurde, so kann er die Bekanntgabe der Betreibung an Dritte nicht mit einem Gesuch nach Art. 8a Abs. 3 lit. d SchKG verhindern (E. 3). |