Federal Act
on Data Protection
(Data Protection Act, FADP)

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Art. 2 Personal and material scope of application

1 This Act ap­plies to the pro­cessing of per­son­al data of nat­ur­al per­sons by:

private per­sons;
fed­er­al bod­ies.

2 It does not ap­ply to:

per­son­al data be­ing pro­cessed by a nat­ur­al per­son ex­clus­ively for per­son­al use;
per­son­al data be­ing pro­cessed by the Fed­er­al As­sembly and par­lia­ment­ary com­mit­tees as part of their de­lib­er­a­tions;
per­son­al data be­ing pro­cessed by in­sti­tu­tion­al be­ne­fi­ciar­ies un­der Art­icle 2 para­graph 1 of the Host State Act of 22 June 20073 who en­joy im­munity from jur­is­dic­tion in Switzer­land.

3 The ap­plic­able pro­ced­ur­al law reg­u­lates the pro­cessing of per­son­al data and the data sub­ject's rights in court pro­ceed­ings and in pro­ceed­ings gov­erned by fed­er­al pro­ced­ur­al reg­u­la­tions. This Act ap­plies to first in­stance ad­min­is­trat­ive pro­ceed­ings.

4 The pub­lic re­gisters for private leg­al trans­ac­tions, and in par­tic­u­lar the ac­cess to these re­gisters and the data sub­ject's rights, shall be reg­u­lated by the spe­cif­ic pro­vi­sions of the ap­plic­able fed­er­al law. If the spe­cif­ic pro­vi­sions do not con­tain any rules, this Act ap­plies.


147 III 486 (5A_701/2020) from 23. Juli 2021
Regeste: Art. 8a Abs. 3 lit. d SchKG; Gesuch um Nichtbekanntgabe der Betreibung an Dritte. Bezahlt der Schuldner eine Forderung, nachdem sie in Betreibung gesetzt wurde, so kann er die Bekanntgabe der Betreibung an Dritte nicht mit einem Gesuch nach Art. 8a Abs. 3 lit. d SchKG verhindern (E. 3).

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