Federal Act
on Controlling Communicable Human Diseases
(Epidemics Act, EpidA)

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Art. 65 Satisfaction

1 Any per­son who is harmed by an of­fi­cially ordered or of­fi­cially re­com­men­ded vac­cin­a­tion has the right to sat­is­fac­tion if the harm is suf­fi­ciently ser­i­ous to jus­ti­fy this; Art­icles 47 and 49 of the Code of Ob­lig­a­tions17 ap­ply by ana­logy.

2 The sat­is­fac­tion is de­term­ined by the ser­i­ous­ness of the harm.

3 It may not ex­ceed 70,000 francs.

4 Sat­is­fac­tion shall only be awar­ded if no pay­ment or an in­suf­fi­cient pay­ment is made by oth­er per­sons. The sat­is­fac­tion shall be re­duced by the amount of any sat­is­fac­tion pay­ments made by oth­er per­sons.

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