Art. 60 Information system
1 The FOPH shall operate an information system for storing data relating to persons who are ill, suspected of being ill, infected or suspected of being infected or who are spreading pathogens. 2 The information system shall contain the following data:
3 The information system shall be used to:
4 It shall also assist with the uniform processing of data by the responsible authorities, the production of statistics and checks on implementation. 5 The FOPH is responsible for the security of the information system and the legality of the processing of personal data. The cantons shall take appropriate organisational and technical measures to secure personal data in their area of responsibility. 6 The FOPH shall check whether the data it receives are accurate. It shall correct inaccurate data and destroy unnecessary data and notify the data providers concerned. 7 The information system shall be made available online to the FOPH, the cantonal bodies responsible for implementing this Act and the Coordinated Medical Services for tasks within their area of responsibility. 8 The Federal Council shall stipulate the requirements for safeguarding and deleting data and regulate the access rights. 9 The right to receive information on the data in the information system and the right to have the data corrected are governed by Articles 25 and 41 of the Data Protection Act of 25 September 20208.9 Requests for information on personal data and for corrections to be made to the data must be sent to the FOPH. 9 Amended by Annex 1 No II 75 of the Data Protection Act of 25 Sept. 2020, in force since 1 Sept. 2023 (AS 2022 491; BBl 2017 6941). |