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Federal Act
on the Promotion of Research and Innovation

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 14 December 2012 (Status as of 15 April 2022)

Art. 5 Non-commercial research centres outside the higher education sector

Pur­su­ant to this Act, non-com­mer­cial re­search centres out­side the high­er edu­ca­tion sec­tor are defined as in­sti­tu­tions with pub­lic or private fund­ing bod­ies which are not re­search bod­ies un­der Art­icle 4, whose aim is to con­duct re­search activ­it­ies and which meet the fol­low­ing re­quire­ments:

the fund­ing bod­ies and own­ers of the in­sti­tu­tion do not gain pe­cu­ni­ary ad­vant­age from its re­search activ­it­ies;
the level and qual­ity of the re­search is com­par­able to that of re­search car­ried out by high­er edu­ca­tion re­search centres.