Federal Act
on Film Production and Film Culture
(Film Act, FiA)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 17 Principles

1 Dis­tri­bu­tion and pro­jec­tion com­pan­ies must con­trib­ute in their activ­it­ies to the di­versity of films on of­fer by means of:

their busi­ness policy;
meas­ures agreed with­in the in­dustry.

2 The meas­ures in­clude agree­ments in which dis­tri­bu­tion and pro­jec­tion com­pan­ies or their pro­fes­sion­al as­so­ci­ations un­der­take to or­gan­ise the pro­gram­ming for a cinema re­gion to provide as much di­versity and qual­ity as pos­sible.

3 Be­fore en­ter­ing in­to an agree­ment with­in the in­dustry, the as­so­ci­ations in­volved shall con­sult the FDHA on the meas­ures planned to pro­mote the di­versity of the films on of­fer and lin­guist­ic di­versity.

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