Federal Act
on Film Production and Film Culture
(Film Act, FiA)

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Art. 22 Exemptions from the tax

1 Dis­tri­bu­tion and pro­jec­tion com­pan­ies may se­cure ex­emp­tion from pay­ment of the tax by mak­ing a form­al un­der­tak­ing to the Con­fed­er­a­tion to make a spe­cial con­tri­bu­tion to the di­versity and qual­ity of the films on of­fer in a cinema re­gion.

2 In the event of wil­ful non-com­pli­ance with the un­der­tak­ing in terms of para­graph 1, the tax be­comes due for pay­ment without any fur­ther form­al­it­ies.

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