Federal Act
on Film Production and Film Culture
(Film Act, FiA)

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Art. 3 Swiss film production

The Con­fed­er­a­tion sup­ports the cul­tur­al dis­sem­in­a­tion, the eco­nom­ic vi­ab­il­ity, the con­tinu­ity and the de­vel­op­ment po­ten­tial of the in­de­pend­ent Swiss film in­dustry. To this end, it may provide fin­an­cial as­sist­ance and oth­er forms of sup­port for the de­vel­op­ment of pro­jects as well as for the pro­duc­tion and ex­ploit­a­tion of:

Swiss films;
films co-pro­duced by Switzer­land and oth­er coun­tries.

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