Federal Act on Financial Market Infrastructures and Market Conduct in Securities and Derivatives Trading

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 135 Duty to make an offer

1Any­one who dir­ectly, in­dir­ectly or act­ing in con­cert with third parties ac­quires equity se­cur­it­ies which, ad­ded to the equity se­cur­it­ies already owned, ex­ceed the threshold of 33⅓% of the vot­ing rights of a tar­get com­pany, wheth­er ex­er­cis­able or not, must make an of­fer to ac­quire all lis­ted equity se­cur­it­ies of the com­pany. Tar­get com­pan­ies may raise this threshold to 49% of vot­ing rights in its art­icles of in­cor­por­a­tion.

2The price offered must be at least as high as the high­er of the fol­low­ing two amounts:

the stock ex­change price;
the highest price that the of­fer­or has paid for equity se­cur­it­ies of the tar­get com­pany in the pre­ced­ing twelve months.

3If the tar­get com­pany has is­sued sev­er­al classes of equity se­cur­it­ies, there must be an ap­pro­pri­ate re­la­tion­ship among the prices offered for the vari­ous classes of equity se­cur­it­ies.

4FINMA shall is­sue pro­vi­sions on the duty to make an of­fer. The Takeover Board shall have the right to put for­ward pro­pos­als.

5If there are suf­fi­cient in­dic­a­tions that a per­son has not met the duty to make an of­fer, the Takeover Board may take the fol­low­ing meas­ures un­til the duty to make an of­fer has been cla­ri­fied or, as ap­pro­pri­ate, the duty to make an of­fer has been ful­filled:

sus­pend the vot­ing rights and as­so­ci­ated rights of this per­son; and
pro­hib­it this per­son from ac­quir­ing fur­ther shares or ac­quis­i­tion or dis­pos­al rights re­lat­ing to shares of the tar­get com­pany, be it dir­ectly, in­dir­ectly or act­ing in con­cert with third parties.

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