Federal Act on Financial Market Infrastructures and Market Conduct in Securities and Derivatives Trading

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 22 Systemically important financial market infrastructures and business processes

1Cent­ral coun­ter­parties, cent­ral se­cur­it­ies de­pos­it­or­ies and pay­ment sys­tems are sys­tem­ic­ally im­port­ant:

if their non-avail­ab­il­ity, arising in par­tic­u­lar from tech­nic­al or op­er­a­tion­al prob­lems or fin­an­cial dif­fi­culties, can lead to ser­i­ous losses, li­quid­ity short­falls or op­er­a­tion­al prob­lems for fin­an­cial in­ter­me­di­ar­ies or oth­er fin­an­cial mar­ket in­fra­struc­tures, or can cause ser­i­ous dis­rup­tions on fin­an­cial mar­kets; or
if in­di­vidu­al par­ti­cipants' pay­ment or de­liv­ery dif­fi­culties can spill over to oth­er par­ti­cipants or linked fin­an­cial mar­ket in­fra­struc­tures and can cause these ser­i­ous losses, li­quid­ity short­falls or op­er­a­tion­al prob­lems, or can cause ser­i­ous dis­rup­tions on fin­an­cial mar­kets.

2A busi­ness pro­cess of a fin­an­cial mar­ket in­fra­struc­ture in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 1 is sys­tem­ic­ally im­port­ant:

if its non-avail­ab­il­ity can cause ser­i­ous losses, li­quid­ity short­falls or op­er­a­tion­al prob­lems for fin­an­cial in­ter­me­di­ar­ies or oth­er fin­an­cial mar­ket in­fra­struc­tures, or can cause ser­i­ous dis­rup­tions on fin­an­cial mar­kets; and
if par­ti­cipants can­not sub­sti­tute the busi­ness pro­cess at short no­tice.

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