Federal Act
on Financial Market Infrastructures and Market Conduct in Securities and Derivatives Trading
(Financial Market Infrastructure Act, FinMIA)

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Art. 109 Valuation of outstanding transactions

1 Coun­ter­parties must value de­riv­at­ives at cur­rent prices (mark to mar­ket) on a daily basis.

2 This duty does not ap­ply to trans­ac­tions with small coun­ter­parties.

3 Where mar­ket con­di­tions pre­vent mark­ing to mar­ket, mark­ing to mod­el shall be used. The valu­ation mod­els must be ap­pro­pri­ate and re­cog­nised in prac­tice.

4 Non-fin­an­cial coun­ter­parties may in­volve third parties for the valu­ation.

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