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of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority on Financial Market Infrastructures and Market Conduct in Securities and Derivatives Trading
(FINMA Financial Market Infrastructure Ordinance, FinMIO-FINMA)

of 3 December 2015 (Status as of 1 February 2023)

Art. 33 Acting in concert or as an organised group

(Art. 135 paras. 1 and 4, 136 para. 2 Fin­MIA)

Art­icle 12 para­graph 1 ap­plies to per­sons act­ing in con­cert or as an or­gan­ised group to ac­quire hold­ings re­quir­ing an of­fer with re­spect to the tar­get com­pany with the aim of con­trolling the tar­get com­pany.