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on Financial Market Infrastructures and Market Conduct in Securities and Derivatives Trading
(Financial Market Infrastructure Ordinance, FinMIO)

Art. 126 Price stabilisation after a public placement of securities

(Art. 142 para. 2 and 143 para. 2 Fin­MIA)

Se­cur­it­ies trans­ac­tions which are in­ten­ded to sta­bil­ise the price of a se­cur­ity that has been ad­mit­ted to trad­ing on a trad­ing ven­ue or DLT trad­ing fa­cil­ity in Switzer­land and which fall un­der Art­icle 142 para­graph 1 let­ter a and Art­icle 143 para­graph 1 of the Fin­MIA are per­miss­ible if:51

they are car­ried out with­in 30 days of the pub­lic place­ment of the se­cur­it­ies to be sta­bil­ised;
they are ex­ecuted at a price that is no high­er than the is­sue price, or, in the case of trad­ing with sub­scrip­tion or con­ver­sion rights, at a price that is no high­er than the mar­ket price;
the max­im­um peri­od dur­ing which the se­cur­it­ies trans­ac­tions can be car­ried out and the iden­tity of the se­cur­it­ies firm re­spons­ible for car­ry­ing them out are pub­lished be­fore the start of trad­ing with the se­cur­it­ies to be sta­bil­ised;
they are re­por­ted to the trad­ing ven­ue or DLT trad­ing fa­cil­ity at the latest on the fifth trad­ing day fol­low­ing their ex­e­cu­tion and pub­lished by the is­suer at the latest on the fifth trad­ing day after the ex­piry of the dead­line un­der let­ter a; and
the is­suer in­forms the pub­lic at the latest on the fifth trad­ing day fol­low­ing the ex­er­cising of an over­al­lot­ment op­tion (green­shoe) about the tim­ing of the ex­er­cising, as well as the num­ber and type of the se­cur­it­ies con­cerned.

51 Amended by No I 10 of the O of 18 June 2021 on the Ad­apt­a­tion of Fed­er­al Law to De­vel­op­ments in Dis­trib­uted Ledger Tech­no­logy, in force since 1 Aug. 2021 (AS 2021 400).

52 Amended by No I 10 of the O of 18 June 2021 on the Ad­apt­a­tion of Fed­er­al Law to De­vel­op­ments in Dis­trib­uted Ledger Tech­no­logy, in force since 1 Aug. 2021 (AS 2021 400).

53 Amended by No I 10 of the O of 18 June 2021 on the Ad­apt­a­tion of Fed­er­al Law to De­vel­op­ments in Dis­trib­uted Ledger Tech­no­logy, in force since 1 Aug. 2021 (AS 2021 400).