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Ordinance on Financial Market Infrastructures and Market Conduct in Securities and Derivatives Trading (Financial Market Infrastructure Ordinance, FinMIO)
Art.20Recovery and resolution plan
(Art. 24 FinMIA)
1 The recovery plan and the resolution plan must take into account the regulations of foreign supervisory authorities and central banks for stabilisation, restructuring and winding-up.
2 The recovery plan shall in particular describe the measures to be taken and the resources required for their implementation. It must be approved by the body responsible for governance, supervision and control.
3 The financial market infrastructure shall describe, upon submission of the plan, what measures it is preparing or has already implemented to improve its resolvability both in Switzerland and abroad (Art. 21).
4 It shall submit to FINMA annually, and by the end of the second quarter of the year, the recovery plan and the information required for the resolution plan. The same documents should also be submitted if changes make a reworking necessary or if FINMA demands such a submission.
5 FINMA shall grant the financial market infrastructure an appropriate period for the preparatory implementation of the measures envisaged in the resolution plan.