on Financial Market Infrastructures and Market Conduct in Securities and Derivatives Trading
(Financial Market Infrastructure Ordinance, FinMIO)

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Art. 58c Applicability of certain requirements for trading venues

(Art. 73b Fin­MIA)

1 Un­less oth­er­wise spe­cified in this Sec­tion, Art­icles 24 to 32 and Art­icle 35 ap­ply by ana­logy to DLT trad­ing fa­cil­it­ies.

2 In­stead of the op­tion un­der Art­icle 30 para­graph 2 let­ter f to can­cel, amend or cor­rect any trans­ac­tion in ex­cep­tion­al cases, a DLT trad­ing fa­cil­ity must have a mech­an­ism in place that achieves an eco­nom­ic­ally equi­val­ent ef­fect.

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