Art. 58f Admission of DLT securities and other assets
(Art. 73d FinMIA) 1 The DLT trading facility shall regulate in the regulations in accordance with Article 73d of the FinMIA which DLT securities and other assets will be admitted to its services. It may specify the admitted DLT securities and assets individually in the regulations or define them according to their type and function. 2 If the DLT trading facility admits derivatives designed as DLT securities, only products without fair value or leverage components may be admitted to trading. 3 DLT securities and other assets which significantly hinder the implementation of the provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 10 October 199726, or which could adversely affect the stability and integrity of the financial system may not be admitted. FINMA can define these DLT securities and assets in more detail. 4 The DLT trading facility shall make provision in the regulations for revoking the admission of DLT securities and other assets. 5 The requirements under Article 34 apply by analogy. |