on Financial Market Infrastructures and Market Conduct in Securities and Derivatives Trading
(Financial Market Infrastructure Ordinance, FinMIO)

Art. 65 Data transmission to private individuals

(Art. 79 Fin­MIA)

1 The trade re­pos­it­ory shall provide private in­di­vidu­als with a form for their en­quir­ies in which the fol­low­ing in­form­a­tion is re­quired:

per­son­al de­tails;
reas­on for the data en­quiry;
a de­scrip­tion of the data be­ing re­ques­ted.

2 It should not be pos­sible to draw con­clu­sions with re­spect to an­oth­er con­tract­ing party on the basis of the data trans­ferred.

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