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on Financial Market Infrastructures and Market Conduct in Securities and Derivatives Trading
(Financial Market Infrastructure Ordinance, FinMIO)

Art. 75 Postponement of the termination of contracts

(Art. 92 Fin­MIA)

1 The fol­low­ing con­tracts in par­tic­u­lar may be post­poned:

con­tracts on the pur­chase, sale, re­pur­chase and lend­ing of se­cur­it­ies and book-entry se­cur­it­ies and on trad­ing in op­tions on se­cur­it­ies and book-entry se­cur­it­ies;
con­tracts on the pur­chase and sale with fu­ture de­liv­ery of com­mod­it­ies and on trad­ing in op­tions on com­mod­it­ies or on com­mod­ity de­liv­er­ies;
con­tracts on the pur­chase, sale or trans­fer of goods, ser­vices, rights or in­terest at a price and fu­ture date de­term­ined in ad­vance (fu­tures trades/for­ward trad­ing);
con­tracts on swap trans­ac­tions re­lat­ing to cur­ren­cies, pre­cious metals, loans and se­cur­it­ies, book-entry se­cur­it­ies, com­mod­it­ies and their in­dices.

2 The fin­an­cial mar­ket in­fra­struc­ture shall en­sure that new agree­ments or amend­ments to ex­ist­ing agree­ments which are sub­ject to for­eign law or en­vis­age a for­eign jur­is­dic­tion are agreed only if the coun­ter­party re­cog­nises a post­pone­ment of the ter­min­a­tion of agree­ments in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 30a BankA.