Federal Act
on the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority
(Financial Market Supervision Act, FINMASA)

Art. 35 Confiscation

1 FINMA may con­fis­cate any profit that a su­per­vised per­son or en­tity or a re­spons­ible per­son in a man­age­ment po­s­i­tion has made through a ser­i­ous vi­ol­a­tion of the su­per­vis­ory pro­vi­sions.

2 The fore­go­ing pro­vi­sion ap­plies by ana­logy if a su­per­vised per­son or en­tity or a re­spons­ible per­son in a man­age­ment po­s­i­tion has pre­ven­ted a loss through a ser­i­ous vi­ol­a­tion of su­per­vis­ory pro­vi­sions.

3 Where the ex­tent of the as­sets to be con­fis­cated can­not be as­cer­tained or re­quires a dis­pro­por­tion­ate ef­fort to be as­cer­tained, FINMA may make an es­tim­ate.

4 The right to con­fis­cate pre­scribes after sev­en years.

5 Crim­in­al law con­fis­ca­tion un­der Art­icles 70–72 of the Crim­in­al Code70 takes pre­ced­ence over con­fis­ca­tion un­der this pro­vi­sion.

6 The con­fis­cated as­sets go to the Con­fed­er­a­tion un­less they are paid to the parties suf­fer­ing loss.

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