Federal Act
on the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority
(Financial Market Supervision Act, FINMASA)

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Art. 58 Transitional Provision to the Amendment of 15 June 2018 123

Ap­plic­a­tions for au­thor­isa­tion un­der Art­icle 43cpara­graph 1 must be sub­mit­ted no later than six months after the Amend­ment of 15 June 2018 comes in­to force. FINMA shall is­sue a de­cision on the ap­plic­a­tion with­in six months of re­ceipt.

123 Amended by An­nex No II 16 of the Fin­an­cial In­sti­tu­tions Act of 15 June 2018, in force since 1 Jan. 2020 (AS 2018 5247, 2019 4631; BBl 2015 8901).

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