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Federal Act on the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (Financial Market Supervision Act, FINMASA)
Art. 9Board of Directors
1 The Board of Directors is the strategic management body of FINMA. It has the following tasks:
It determines the strategic objectives of FINMA and submits them to the Federal Council for approval.
It decides on matters of substantial importance.
It issues the ordinances delegated to FINMA and decides on the circulars.
It supervises the Management Board.
It establishes an internal audit unit and provides for internal controls.
It draws up the annual report and submits it to the Federal Council for approval prior to publication.
It appoints the Chief Executive Officer, subject to approval by the Federal Council.
It appoints the members of the Management Board.
It issues the organisational regulations and the guidelines on information activities.
It approves the budget.
2 It comprises seven to nine expert members, who are independent of the supervised persons and entities. The Board of Directors is appointed for a term of office of four years; each member may be reappointed twice.
3 The Federal Council appoints the Board of Directors. In doing so, it must ensure the appropriate representation of both genders. It appoints the Chair and the Vice-Chair. It determines the level of remuneration. Article 6a of the Federal Personnel Act of 24 March 200027 applies by analogy.
4 The Chair may not carry out any other economic activity nor hold any federal or cantonal office unless this is in the interest of the fulfilment of the tasks of FINMA.
5 The Federal Council removes members of the Board of Directors and approves the decision of the Board of Directors to terminate the employment of the Chief Executive Officer if the requirements for holding office are no longer fulfilled.