Federal Act
on Medically Assisted Reproduction
(Reproductive Medicine Act, RMA)

of 18 December 1998 (Status as of 1 December 2022)

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Art. 6 Information and counselling

1 Be­fore an as­sisted re­pro­duct­ive tech­nique is used, the phys­i­cian must ad­equately in­form the couple about:11

the vari­ous causes of in­fer­til­ity;
the med­ic­al pro­ced­ure, in­clud­ing the pro­spects of suc­cess and the risks in­volved;
the risk of a mul­tiple preg­nancy;
pos­sible psy­cho­lo­gic­al and phys­ic­al stresses; and
the leg­al and fin­an­cial as­pects.

2 In the coun­selling ses­sion, ap­pro­pri­ate ref­er­ence should also be made to al­tern­at­ive ways of liv­ing and oth­er fam­ily-build­ing op­tions.

3 There must be an ap­pro­pri­ate peri­od for re­flec­tion, gen­er­ally last­ing four weeks, between the coun­selling ses­sion and treat­ment. It must be poin­ted out that the couple may also seek in­de­pend­ent ad­vice.

4 Psy­cho­lo­gic­al sup­port must be offered be­fore, dur­ing and after treat­ment.

11 Amended by No I of the FA of 12 Dec. 2014, in force since 1 Sept. 2017 (AS 2017 3641; BBl 2013 5853).


141 III 328 (5A_443/2014) from 14. September 2015
Regeste: Art. 8 EMRK; Art. 2, 3 und 7 KRK; Art. 119 Abs. 2 lit. d BV; Art. 4 FMedG; Art. 27 Abs. 1, Art. 32 und 70 IPRG; Art. 45 Abs. 2 Ziff. 4 und Art. 252 Abs. 1 ZGB; Art. 7 und 8 ZStV; Anerkennung und Eintragung ausländischer Geburtsurkunden ins Personenstandsregister bei Leihmutterschaft; Ordre public. Eine kalifornische Geburtsurkunde kann nicht anerkannt werden, wenn die verurkundeten Kindesverhältnisse zu genetisch nicht verwandten Eltern in Umgehung des schweizerischen Leihmutterschaftsverbotes entstanden sind (E. 2-8).

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