Federal Act
on Medically Assisted Reproduction
(Reproductive Medicine Act, RMA)

of 18 December 1998 (Status as of 1 July 2023)

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Art. 2 Definitions

In this Act:

tech­niques of med­ic­ally as­sisted re­pro­duc­tion (as­sisted re­pro­duct­ive tech­niques)means meth­ods of es­tab­lish­ing a preg­nancy without sexu­al in­ter­course – in par­tic­u­lar, in­sem­in­a­tion, in vitro fer­til­isa­tion with em­bryo trans­fer and gam­ete trans­fer;
in­sem­in­a­tionmeans the in­tro­duc­tion, by means of in­stru­ments, of sperm cells in­to the fe­male re­pro­duct­ive or­gans;
in vitro fer­til­isa­tionmeans the bring­ing to­geth­er of an ovum and sperm cells out­side the wo­man’s body;
gam­ete trans­fer means the in­tro­duc­tion, by means of in­stru­ments, of sperm cells and ova in­to the uter­us or a Fal­lopi­an tube;
re­pro­duct­ive cells (gam­etes)means sperm cells and ova;
germline cellsmeans re­pro­duct­ive cells (in­clud­ing their pre­curs­or cells), im­preg­nated ova and em­bryon­ic cells whose ge­net­ic ma­ter­i­al can be passed on to off­spring;
im­preg­na­tionmeans caus­ing a sperm cell to pen­et­rate in­to the cyto­plasm of an ovum, in par­tic­u­lar by in­sem­in­a­tion, gam­ete trans­fer or in vitro fer­til­isa­tion;
im­preg­nated ovum means the fer­til­ised ovum be­fore pro­nuc­lear fu­sion;
em­bryo means the de­vel­op­ing off­spring from the time of pro­nuc­lear fu­sion un­til the end of or­gano­gen­es­is;
foetus means the de­vel­op­ing off­spring from the end of or­gano­gen­es­is un­til birth;
sur­rog­ate moth­er means a wo­man who is pre­pared to be­come preg­nant by means of an as­sisted re­pro­duct­ive tech­nique, to carry the foetus to term and to sur­render the child per­man­ently to third parties after de­liv­ery;
clon­ingmeans the ar­ti­fi­cial pro­duc­tion of ge­net­ic­ally identic­al or­gan­isms;
chi­mera form­a­tion means the fu­sion of to­ti­po­tent cells from two or more ge­net­ic­ally dif­fer­ent em­bry­os. Em­bryon­ic cells are to­ti­po­tent if they are cap­able of de­vel­op­ing in­to any type of spe­cial­ised cell;
hy­brid form­a­tion means caus­ing a non-hu­man sperm cell to pen­et­rate in­to a hu­man ovum, or a hu­man sperm cell in­to a non-hu­man ovum.


141 III 312 (5A_748/2014) from 21. Mai 2015
Regeste: Art. 8 EMRK; Art. 2, 3 und 7 KRK; Art. 119 Abs. 2 lit. d BV; Art. 27 Abs. 1 und Art. 32 IPRG; Eintragung ausländischer Entscheidungen und Urkunden in das Zivilstandsregister; Anerkennung eines Leihmutterschaftsurteils. Ein kalifornisches Vaterschaftsurteil, welches das mittels Leihmutterschaft begründete Kindesverhältnis zu eingetragenen Partnern feststellt, kann bei Umgehung des schweizerischen Leihmutterschaftsverbotes nur mit Bezug zum genetischen Elternteil anerkannt werden (E. 3-8).

141 III 328 (5A_443/2014) from 14. September 2015
Regeste: Art. 8 EMRK; Art. 2, 3 und 7 KRK; Art. 119 Abs. 2 lit. d BV; Art. 4 FMedG; Art. 27 Abs. 1, Art. 32 und 70 IPRG; Art. 45 Abs. 2 Ziff. 4 und Art. 252 Abs. 1 ZGB; Art. 7 und 8 ZStV; Anerkennung und Eintragung ausländischer Geburtsurkunden ins Personenstandsregister bei Leihmutterschaft; Ordre public. Eine kalifornische Geburtsurkunde kann nicht anerkannt werden, wenn die verurkundeten Kindesverhältnisse zu genetisch nicht verwandten Eltern in Umgehung des schweizerischen Leihmutterschaftsverbotes entstanden sind (E. 2-8).

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