Federal Act
Art. 6 Information and counselling
1 Before an assisted reproductive technique is used, the physician must adequately inform the couple about:11
2 In the counselling session, appropriate reference should also be made to alternative ways of living and other family-building options. 3 There must be an appropriate period for reflection, generally lasting four weeks, between the counselling session and treatment. It must be pointed out that the couple may also seek independent advice. 4 Psychological support must be offered before, during and after treatment. 11 Amended by No I of the FA of 12 Dec. 2014, in force since 1 Sept. 2017 (AS 2017 3641; BBl 2013 5853). BGE
141 III 328 (5A_443/2014) from 14. September 2015
Regeste: Art. 8 EMRK; Art. 2, 3 und 7 KRK; Art. 119 Abs. 2 lit. d BV; Art. 4 FMedG; Art. 27 Abs. 1, Art. 32 und 70 IPRG; Art. 45 Abs. 2 Ziff. 4 und Art. 252 Abs. 1 ZGB; Art. 7 und 8 ZStV; Anerkennung und Eintragung ausländischer Geburtsurkunden ins Personenstandsregister bei Leihmutterschaft; Ordre public. Eine kalifornische Geburtsurkunde kann nicht anerkannt werden, wenn die verurkundeten Kindesverhältnisse zu genetisch nicht verwandten Eltern in Umgehung des schweizerischen Leihmutterschaftsverbotes entstanden sind (E. 2-8). |