Art. 13a Data processing 43
1 The Commission and the Federal Office may process personal data, including data concerning administrative or criminal prosecutions and sanctions, provided that this is indispensable for the fulfilment of their tasks under the telecommunications legislation.44 They may use an information system for this purpose. 2 They shall take the technical and organisational measures necessary for data protection and security during processing, and in particular during transmission. 3 The Federal Council may issue complementary provisions, namely concerning the organisation and operation of the information system, the categories of the data to be processed, access and processing authorisations, the term of conservation as well as the archiving and destruction of data. 43 Inserted by No I of the FA of 24 March 2006, in force since 1 Apr. 2007 (AS 2007 921; BBl 2003 7951). 44 Amended by Annex 1 No II 68 of the Data Protection Act of 25 Sept. 2020, in force since 1 Sept. 2023 (AS 2022 491; BBl 2017 6941). |