on the Handling of Organisms in the Environment
(Release Ordinance, RO)

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 10 September 2008 (Status as of 1 January 2020)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 50 Surveys

1 The FOEN shall carry out sur­veys that are ne­ces­sary to as­sess the en­vir­on­ment­al pol­lu­tion caused by par­tic­u­lar or­gan­isms, by par­tic­u­lar prop­er­ties of or­gan­isms, or by par­tic­u­lar ge­net­ic ma­ter­i­al.

2 For this pur­pose it shall en­sure, as re­quired:

the de­vel­op­ment of ap­pro­pri­ate meth­ods to de­tect these or­gan­isms, these prop­er­ties or this ge­net­ic ma­ter­i­al in the en­vir­on­ment;
the tar­geted in­vest­ig­a­tion of en­vir­on­ment­al samples for the pres­ence of these or­gan­isms, these prop­er­ties or this ge­net­ic ma­ter­i­al.

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