Standing Orders of the National Council

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 3 October 2003 (Status as of 7 September 2020)

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Art. 6 Election

1 The Coun­cil shall elect the mem­bers of the Presid­ing Col­lege im­me­di­ately after its con­sti­tu­tion, and shall do so for the fol­low­ing years of the le­gis­lat­ive peri­od at its first sit­ting of the par­lia­ment­ary year.

2 It shall take ap­pro­pri­ate ac­count of the size of the par­lia­ment­ary groups and the of­fi­cial lan­guages.

3 If a va­cancy arises in the Presid­ing Col­lege dur­ing the term of of­fice, the Coun­cil shall elect a sub­sti­tute mem­ber for the re­main­ing peri­od; if the post of Pres­id­ent be­comes va­cant, the Coun­cil shall hold a sub­sti­tute elec­tion if the Pres­id­ent leaves of­fice be­fore the start of the sum­mer ses­sion.

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