Standing Orders of the National Council

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Art. 17 Term of office

1 The term of of­fice of all com­mit­tee mem­bers is four years, sub­ject to con­trary pro­vi­sions con­tained in the Par­lia­ment Act or in an or­din­ance of the Fed­er­al As­sembly. It ends at the latest with the total re­new­al of the com­mit­tees in the first ses­sion of the new le­gis­lat­ive peri­od. Re-elec­tion is pos­sible.

2 The term of of­fice for pres­id­ents and vice-pres­id­ents of the stand­ing com­mit­tees is two years. It ends at the latest with the total re­new­al of the com­mit­tees in the first ses­sion of the new le­gis­lat­ive peri­od. Im­me­di­ate re-elec­tion to the same of­fice is not pos­sible.

3 The term of of­fice of the mem­bers of a spe­cial com­mit­tee cor­res­ponds to the dur­a­tion of the com­mit­tee’s activ­ity.

4 If a seat on the com­mit­tee be­comes va­cant, the per­son elec­ted to fill the seat on the com­mit­tee serves out the re­mainder of the term of of­fice.

5 An ex­traordin­ary total re­new­al of the com­mit­tee for the re­mainder of the term of of­fice oc­curs if:

the nu­mer­ic­al strength of a par­lia­ment­ary group al­ters to the ex­tent that it is over or un­der-rep­res­en­ted by more than one mem­ber on a stand­ing com­mit­tee lis­ted un­der Art­icle 10;
a new par­lia­ment­ary group is formed.14

14 In­ser­ted by No I of the NC De­cree of 3 Oct. 2008, in force from the start of the winter ses­sion 2011 (AS 2009 733; BBl 2008 18693177).

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