Art. 18 Substitution
1 A committee member may be substituted for a single meeting of the committee or sub-committee. The replacement member is nominated by the group. 2 If a committee member leaves the Council, the parliamentary group shall nominate a replacement, as long as the Bureau has not assigned another member to the position. 3 In the cases under paragraphs 1 and 2, the parliamentary group shall give notice of the name of the replacement to the secretary of the committee without delay. 3bis A member of a sub-committee, other than the Finance Committee, may only be substituted by another member of the main committee.15 4 Members of the Control Committee and members of a Parliamentary Investigation Committee, or their sub-committees, may not be substituted by another member. 15 Inserted by No I of the NC Decree of 15 June 2018, in force since 26 Nov. 2018 (AS 2018 3473; BBl 2017 67976865). |