Standing Orders of the National Council

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Art. 39 Call to order

1 The Pres­id­ent shall call per­sons at­tend­ing a sit­ting to or­der who:

make in­sult­ing or ir­rel­ev­ant re­marks, ex­ceed their speak­ing time or in­fringe oth­er pro­ced­ur­al rules;
by their con­duct dis­rupt Coun­cil pro­ceed­ings.

2 If the call to or­der is dis­reg­arded, the Pres­id­ent may or­der that dis­cip­lin­ary meas­ures be taken in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 13 para­graph 1 ParlA.

3 The Coun­cil shall de­cide without dis­cus­sion on ob­jec­tions made by the per­son con­cerned.

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