Standing Orders of the National Council

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Art. 52 Conclusion of the debate

1 The Pres­id­ent shall close the de­bate if there are no fur­ther re­quests to speak or the time lim­it for the de­bate (Art. 47) has ex­pired.

2 He or she may pro­pose that the list of speak­ers be closed, after the group rep­res­ent­at­ives have spoken and reas­ons have been giv­en for all pro­posed amend­ments.

3 After every­one on the list of speak­ers has spoken, the rep­res­ent­at­ive of the Fed­er­al Coun­cil and then the com­mit­tee rap­por­teurs may make a brief re­sponse to the speeches giv­en.

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