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Federal Act
on the Protection of Waters
(Waters Protection Act, WPA)

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 24 January 1991 (Status as of 1 January 2022)

Art. 4 Definitions

In this Act:

sur­face wa­ters: means wa­ter bod­ies and their beds in­clud­ing the bot­toms and banks, to­geth­er with the fauna and flora liv­ing there;
un­derground wa­ters: means ground­wa­ter (in­clud­ing spring wa­ter), aquifer, lower and up­per con­fin­ing beds;
det­ri­ment­al ef­fects: means pol­lu­tion and any oth­er in­ter­ven­tion which harms the char­ac­ter or func­tion of wa­ter;
pol­lu­tion: means any det­ri­ment­al phys­ic­al, chem­ic­al or bio­lo­gic­al change in the nature of wa­ter;
waste wa­ter:means wa­ter which has been altered by do­mest­ic, in­dus­tri­al, com­mer­cial, ag­ri­cul­tur­al or oth­er uses, as well as that which flows with such wa­ter in sew­ers, and pre­cip­it­a­tion wa­ter flow­ing off built-up or sealed area;
pol­luted waste wa­ter:means waste wa­ter which may pol­lute wa­ters in­to which it flow;
farm ma­nure: means li­quid ma­nure, stable ma­nure stem­ming from an­im­al hus­bandry as well as li­quids emit­ted by fod­der silo;
flow rate Q347:means the flow rate which, av­er­aged over ten years, is reached or ex­ceeded on an av­er­age of 347 days per year and which is not sub­stan­tially af­fected by dam­ming, with­draw­al or sup­ply of wate;
per­man­ent flow:means a flow rate Q347 which is great­er than zero;
re­sid­ual flow:means the flow rate of a wa­ter­course which re­mains after one or sev­er­al with­draw­als of wa­ter;
re­quired wa­ter endowment:means the amount of wa­ter re­quired to en­sure the main­ten­ance of a par­tic­u­lar re­sid­ual flow after with­draw­al of wa­ter;
re­hab­il­it­a­tion:means the re-es­tab­lish­ment by means of civil en­gin­eer­ing of the nat­ur­al func­tions of chan­nelled, straightened, covered or cul­ver­ted sur­face wa­ters.

5 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 11 Dec. 2009 (Res­tor­a­tion), in force since 1 Jan. 2011 (AS 20104285; BBl 2008 80438079).